Just for fun…

How do you get in touch with your three centers? Is your heart, head and gut open to new ideas? The idea is to check in with all three, then go use them as sources to create! I discuss a mindfulness/self-awareness technique in my book that really does work.

Read more in my book!


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2 thoughts on “Just for fun…

  1. Bart Wendell

    Hi Betsy
    Long time no see!
    Enjoyed your book. We have similar creativity styles I think which is very interesting to me because our books are very similar in style.
    The contents are also similar in terms of the use if the three centers.
    I very much appreciate your basic message that self-doubt is the main obstacle.
    Hope this finds you well!
    Warmest regards, Bart

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Bart,
      So great to hear from you! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my book… means a lot to me coming from you :>). So glad to learn about your book too, your title rocks and I will plan to read it soon. Would love to stay in touch with you, sound like you are doing well! Sending you all my good energy from my head, heart and gut–keep up your awesome creativity!


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